9 Health Benefits Of Almonds That You Should Know

Content Source : https://pharmeasy.in/blog/surprising-health-benefits-of-almonds/

Almonds, also popularly known as Badam are a treasure trove of nutrients. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietetic fibre, and monounsaturated fat, which improves the health of the heart. In fact, this list can go on and on.

Almonds (Prunus dulcis) or Badam, a very famous, nutritious nut is actually an edible seed. It is widely grown in California.

Almonds are whitish in colour, covered by a thin brown skin and lastly enclosed in a hard shell. They are oval in shape and have a sweet, nutty smell. Almonds are rich in calories as well as nutrients.

Almonds Nutritional Value

Almonds contain carbohydrates (22%), proteins (21%) and fats (50%). Almonds are rich in B vitamins riboflavin and niacin, vitamin E and minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. They also contain dietary fibre, monounsaturated fat (oleic acid), polyunsaturated fat (linoleic acid) and many phytosterols.

9 Health Benefits of Eating Almonds Are:

  • Energy Booster:

Almonds are rich in magnesium and Vitamin E and also contain a good amount (21%) of proteins. This helps in maintaining our energy levels throughout the day and keeping us active. Almonds are a very good choice for quick snacks.

  •  Improves Memory:

Almonds are known as ‘Food for the Brain’. Vitamin E content in almonds makes us alert and improves memory retention.

As per research, soaking almonds overnight and having them in the morning, on an empty stomach increases Vitamin E and improves memory.[1]

  • Good for our Heart & People with Diabetes:

Magnesium in almonds lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Thus, almonds help in the management of diabetes and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Almonds also lower LDL cholesterol levels and prevent oxidation, thus protecting our heart.

Almonds help to lower blood sugar also due to their magnesium content, this mineral is involved in hundreds of bodily processes including glucose control. Additionally, the mix of nutrients like proteins, fibre and healthy fats ensure that diabetic patients don’t face sudden sugar spikes when they eat a handful of almonds. For people with diabetes, the health benefits of almonds as a snack may be a part of your glucose management routine. 

  • Reduces the Risk of Cancer & Alzheimer’s Disease:

Almonds are rich in antioxidants. Vitamin E present in almonds is also an antioxidant and protects our cells from oxidative damage, largely reducing the risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Anti-ageing Effects:

The rich antioxidant content of almonds protects us from the varied effects of ageing and age-related diseases.[5]

Massaging our face with almond oil fights early signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles. Regular usage keeps our skin looking youthful.

  • Anti-inflammation

The antioxidant effect of almonds helps to reduce oxidative stress and cell damage. This results in not only slower ageing and a lower risk of cancer but also helps to curtail inflammation in the body. Inflammation occurs when the body reacts to damage and infection and results in aches, pains, swelling apart from other issues. The anti-inflammation benefits of almonds have been seen to reduce oxidative markers in clinical studies (when almonds were consumed regularly over a period of time).

  • Treatment of Anaemia:

Anaemia is a dangerous condition in which the red blood cells in our body, carry very less oxygen to the brain. This results due to a deficiency of haemoglobin. Almonds contain iron, copper, and vitamins. So they help in boosting the haemoglobin levels in our body and are useful in the active treatment of Anaemia.

  • Reduces Hunger & Promotes Weight Loss:

Almonds are rich in fibre and proteins. So, consumption of almonds makes us feel full for longer periods, thus reducing our hunger and calorie intake.

Almonds thus lead to a reduction in weight.

  • Improves Digestion:

Consumption of almonds increases the beneficial bacteria in our gut, thus promoting gut health and improving digestion.

  • Promotes Bone Health:

High levels of calcium in almonds, keep our musculoskeletal system healthy and prevents the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Other uses of Almonds:

  • Skincare: Almond oil is an excellent moisturizer. It keeps our skin glowing, acne-free and wrinkle-free when used on our body on a regular basis.
  • Haircare: Almond is known to reduce hair fall. Regular massage with almond oil in our hair prevents early greying.
  • Prevents stretch marks: Regular application of almond oil to the affected area, effectively reduces stretch marks.
  • Make-up Remover: Almond oil is a natural make-up remover.
  • Eye-Care: Almond oil reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Best Way to Eat almonds:

To ensure maximum health benefits, soak almonds overnight (around 8 hours) and have them empty stomach in the morning, preferably with the brown skin intact.

The Ideal Dose of Almonds:

There is no such ideal dose but eating a handful (around 15-25) almonds per day could be beneficial to our body, as a part of a balanced diet.

Different Forms in Which Almonds are Available:

  • Whole almonds
  • Sliced almonds
  • Blanched almonds
  • Almond oil
  • Almond milk
  • Almond butter
  • Almond flour

Juices: The Best and Worst for Your Health

Content Source : https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-juice-wars


Who doesn’t enjoy a tall, cool glass of juice? The color is vibrant, the taste sweet, and it’s good for you, too. Not so fast, say some dietitians. Although the best kinds of juice give you some nutrients, the worst are hardly better than liquid candy. You just need to know the difference.

Best Choice: Vegetable Juice

Best Choice: Vegetable Juice


Drinking your veggies is convenient and good for you. The lycopene in tomato juice may help lower the risk of prostate cancer. Beet juice may help curb blood pressure. Pulpy vegetable juice has some fiber (but not as much as raw vegetables); and fiber cuts hunger. You also get far less sugar and fewer calories than in the typical fruit juice. Check the sodium, though, or choose a low-salt version.

Worst Choice: Juice 'Cocktails'

Worst Choice: Juice ‘Cocktails’


Be on alert for the terms juice cocktail, juice-flavored beverage, and juice drink. Most of these products have only small amounts of real juice. Their main ingredients are usually water, small amounts of juice, and some type of sweetener, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Nutritionally, these drinks are similar to most soft drinks: rich in sugar and calories, but low in nutrients. Water is a better choice.

The 100% Fruit Juice Dilemma

The 100% Fruit Juice Dilemma


What about pure fruit juice with no added sweeteners? It’s true that 100% fruit juice is a good source of nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. The problem is that too much juice can be an extra source of sugar and calories. Juice also doesn’t contain the same fiber and phytonutrients that raw fruits have. That’s why many experts recommend sticking to one juice serving per day.

Good Choice: Pomegranate Juice

Good Choice: Pomegranate Juice


If you’re only going to drink one glass of juice each day, you want to make it a good one. So get to know which juices offer the biggest nutritional payoff per sip. Pomegranate juice tops the list. It’s high in sugar and calories, but gives you a lot of good-for-you nutrients called antioxidants. In fact, pomegranate juice’s antioxidant power is greater than red wine or green tea.

Good Choice: Cranberry Juice

Good Choice: Cranberry Juice


Cranberry juice is packed with vitamin C, which your immune system needs. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice may also help prevent the buildup of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

Good Choice: Acai Berry Juice

Good Choice: Acai Berry Juice


Acai juice is made from a berry found in South America. Acai pulp appears to have a higher concentration of antioxidants than cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries.

Good Choice: Red Grape Juice

Good Choice: Red Grape Juice


You’ve probably heard that red wine, in moderation, can be good for the heart. The same is true of red grape juice. Red grape juice has flavonoids and resveratrol. The key is that red wine and juice are made with the entire grape: seeds, skin, and all. But you’re not getting the fiber that you would from the fruit itself.

Good Choice: Prune Juice

Good Choice: Prune Juice


People have long used prune juice to relieve constipation. It works because it’s a good source of fiber and contains a natural laxative called sorbitol. But the benefits of prune juice don’t stop there. The juice is also packed with antioxidants, iron, and potassium.

What About Orange Juice?

What About Orange Juice?


The good news is orange juice is loaded with vitamin C. Some brands are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are good for your bones. Unsweetened orange juice has fewer calories than some berry juices or grape juice. The trade-off is that it also has fewer antioxidants than darker juices like grape, blueberry, and pomegranate.

Kids and Juice

Kids and Juice


Most children love juice, but don’t give them too much. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100% fruit juice per day for kids younger than 6, and 8-12 ounces for ages 7 to 18.

Water It Down

Water It Down


If you or your kids crave more than a single cup of juice per day, water it down. By mixing water or sparkling water with juice, you slash the calories in every serving. Instead of drinking one glass of pure juice, you can enjoy 2 or 3 cups of the water-juice mixture throughout the day.

Go for Whole Fruit

Go for Whole Fruit


Dietitians say a great alternative to drinking a lot of fruit juice is to eat the whole fruit. You’ll get all the nutrients that are in the fruit’s flesh and pulp, and the fiber will help you feel full and tame your hunger.

Why diabetics need protein in their diet

Content Source : https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/health-specials/why-diabetics-protein-diet-8067603/

Do proteins have a role in diets for diabetes? Expectedly, when we talk about diabetes and meal planning, we mostly focus on carbohydrates (carbs). Diabetes is also called sugar in common parlance. The connection between sugar and diabetes is strong and embedded in our minds. Not just people with diabetes, every health conscious person talks about reducing carbs in the diet. In all this craziness, we often miss the importance of proteins.

There are three “macro” nutrients in our diet — carbohydrate, protein and fats. Proteins are the building blocks of our body and are vital for growth, muscle and bone development. They are also important constituents of hormones and many enzymes at the cellular level and are important to build immunity. About half of the proteins in our body are in our muscles. Proteins are also broken down by the body into glucose and used for energy, a process known as gluconeogenesis.

India is a carb-loving country. In general, our protein intakes are sub-optimal. According to The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the daily recommended intake of protein for an adult is 0.8 to 1 gm per kg body weight. This means, for a 70 kg average Indian, about 56-70 gm protein should be consumed daily. Most Indians are way below this figure, often not even reaching 50 gm a day. This has an impact on our muscle mass. Studies have shown that Indians at all ages have low muscle mass (“sarcopenia”) as compared to populations with better protein intakes.

There are several prevalent myths around protein consumption like ‘patients with diabetes should not consume much protein’, ‘protein-rich diets may harm your kidney’, ‘protein is difficult to digest’, ‘leads to weight gain’ and is ‘only for body builders’. Some of these myths come from the Western world where protein intakes are much higher than Indians. Excess protein intake can be a concern in some of these countries, whereas for Indians, it’s a struggle to meet normal protein requirements.


How does protein intake impact diabetes?

1. When you eat carbohydrates in combination with protein (or fat), it can take longer for your body to convert the carbs into glucose, leading to lower post-meal blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
2. Although 1 gm of protein provides four calories, the same as carbs, it reduces the calorie intake by providing satiety, which also helps in blood sugar control.
3. A low protein diet leads to muscle loss which increases the risk of falls and fractures in elderly diabetics. Such individuals could in any case be more prone to a fall because of nerve, muscle and eye involvement due to long-standing diabetes.
4. Low muscle mass is a contributor to insulin resistance. So, it’s not just adipose tissue but a lack of muscle mass that also contributes to insulin resistance and its long list of consequences.
5. Recent data suggests that low muscle mass — and low protein intakes by inference — promote the development of fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver cirrhosis and even cancer.

How should we be addressing the protein issue if we have diabetes?

We should aim at getting 15-20 per cent of our calories through proteins on a daily basis, and ensuring a bare minimum of 0.8 gm/kg body weight protein. This should ideally be greater than 1 gm/kg for people with diabetes, unless they have kidney involvement. Even for those with kidney complications, an intake of 0.8 gm- 1 gm/kg is recommended!

Our requirement also depends on our exercise level, so a higher intake 1-1.5 g/kg is recommended for some. Athletes often have to consume much higher amounts.

Try to get protein in every meal for maximum benefit. Having one high protein meal with other meals being devoid of proteins is not the best health management method.

All proteins are not the same. Their quality also matters. Animal source proteins are generally superior to plant proteins, although there is a lot of attempt to enhance the latter in recent times. Amino acids are the units that make up protein. Some of these cannot be made in the human body and are required to be taken through the diet. These are called essential amino acids.

The best sources of proteins are dairy products like milk, curd, paneer as well as eggs, meat, fish and poultry because they have all the essential amino acids.

Vegetable sources of proteins include lentils, beans, and nuts. Soya bean is an exceptional source. If you are vegetarian, consume dairy and dals. If you like the taste, add soya bean. If you are vegan, please have a nutritionist calculate your protein intake and ensure you don’t fall short! A combination of cereals, millets and pulses provides most of the amino acids, which complement each other to provide better quality proteins.

A variety of proteins always helps. One good principle is that every time you have a meal, search for the protein in the plate. Make sure there is protein in every major meal that you consume.

Weight Loss Diet: 5 Natural Fat Burner Drinks to Help You Drop Those Extra Kilos

Content source : https://www.india.com/lifestyle/weight-loss-diet-5-natural-fat-burner-drinks-to-help-you-drop-those-extra-kilos-5544957/

Do you no longer fit into your favourite pair of jeans? Most of us have gained weight as a result of the work-from-home culture. Because we are all guilty of putting off our weight loss goals, now is the time to get started and lose those extra kilos. Of course, the drinks alone will not make the extra kilos disappear; you must also exercise to achieve the desired effect. You can now lose those extra pounds by drinking some natural drinks. You’re probably aware of the fat-melting properties of lemon-infused water, but there are other drinks that can help you lose weight. Of course, the drinks alone will not make the extra kilos disappear; you must also exercise to achieve the desired effect. So, here are 5 natural fat burners that will help you can include in your weight loss diet.

Jeera Water: Jeera is an essential ingredient in all Indian curries. And jeera water is a low-calorie drink that aids digestion and helps in the loss of belly fat. It works wonders in terms of suppressing hunger and hastening the weight loss process. 

Green tea: Green tea has grown in popularity over the last few decades. The drink contains antioxidants (catechins), which are known to increase metabolism. To get the most out of the drink, avoid adding sugar. 

Ajwain or carom drink: Ajwain or carom seeds are known to naturally boost metabolism, aids in digestion and absorption of food. 2 tsp dry roasted Ajwain seeds soaked in a cup of water overnight. Mix the water thoroughly and have it the next morning.

Fennel drink: Fennel seeds have long been used to treat indigestion and bloating. Fennel has diuretic properties that aid in detoxification that ultimately leads to weight loss. Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds in water overnight. The next day, strain the water and drink it.

Water: Increasing your water intake is one of the most simple and direct ways to improve your overall health. Drinking more water may help you lose weight by keeping you full between meals and increasing the number of calories you burn.

Food to NOT Eat With Dahi: 5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

Content Source : https://www.india.com/lifestyle/food-to-not-eat-with-dahi-5-worst-food-combinations-to-have-with-curd-5546883/

Don’t we all love a fresh bowl of curd with some chopped fruits in it? Curd is one of the most loved and relished milk products consumed in Indian households. It is often eaten with parathas, consumed as raita or in the form of sweet lassi or chaas. Curd is known to soothe the stomach; the bacteria in the curd help digestion. Curd is loaded with vitamins and minerals, and it helps in increasing your immunity. It is prepared by fermentation milk with a bacterial culture called Lactobacillus delbrueckii. The bacterial fermentation produces lactic acid, which gives the curd a thick texture.

Curd is loaded with health benefits. It is rich in phosphorous and calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, magnesium, and potassium. The probiotic in curd helps the proper functioning of the digestive system. Nutrition present in curd can sometimes also damage our body when we club dahi with the wrong food combinations. These foods can come in the healthy category but can cause more harm than good. 

List of Food Items You Should Never Eat Dahi With

  • Fish

Food to NOT Eat With Dahi: 5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

Avoid eating fish with dahi

Avoid consuming curd with fish as both food items are loaded with proteins. According to reports, you should not club animal protein with veg protein as it becomes difficult for humans to digest it. It can lead to stomach-related issues. 

  • Mango

Food to NOT Eat With Dahi: 5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

Do not club curd with mango

Pairing mango with curd creates a cold and heat situation in the body which can lead to skin issues and produce toxins in the whole body. It can create an imbalance in the digestive system.

  • Onion

5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

Onion should not be clubbed with curd

People often consume curd and onions in the form of Raita. It would be best if you stopped this habit immediately as curd is cold in nature, while onions are known for producing heat in the body. This combination can cause rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin allergies.

  • Milk

5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

Do not consume milk with dahi

Milk and curd come from the same family, i.e. animal-sourced protein and thus they should not be consumed together. It can cause diarrhoea, acidity, bloating, and gas.

  • Oily Foods

5 Worst Food Combinations to Have With Curd

oily food

Don’t we all love Ghee wala Parantha with Makan along with dahi on the side? Well, you must give up this habit as oily foods when paired with curd slow down your digestion and make you feel lazy throughout the day.

13 Indian Independence Day Recipes That Will Make You Feel Patriotic

Content Source : https://www.archanaskitchen.com/13-indian-independence-day-recipes-that-will-make-you-feel-patriotic

Come 15th August of the year 2018, we will be celebrating 72 years of Independence, since the first time in 1947. Our sense of patriotism, tends to be awakened during this national festivals if not otherwise. There’s a sense of pride when you look back at our rich culture and heritage, that includes the regional festivals we follow, to our food and culture, rituals and routines, to the attire we wear.  

Our country literally is the living example of “Unity in Diversity”. Amongst all the parameters that hold us together as Indians, by far the most common one I’d say is food. 

Here are a few recipes, inspired by the colours of the Indian tricolour- each colour with its significance of making it to the national flag. 

While the the saffron color indicates the country’s strength and courage, white represents peace and truth, it is also the colour band that holds the blue dharama chakra. Green indicated fertility, growth and auspiciousness of our motherland. Likewise here are a few colourful recipes you can make to celebrate this Independence day to bring out the true Indian in you. 

6 Great Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan in 2022

Content Source: https://www.sloshout.com/blog/6-great-ideas-to-celebrate-raksha-bandhan-in-2022/

One of the sweetest festivals in India, Raksha Bandhan, celebrates the eternal and holy bonding between a brother and a sister. Celebrated in the month of Shravana, this festival is observed in different ways in different parts of India irrespective of background, ethnicity or caste. Although the rituals related to the festival vary across regions, the theme and the underlying idea remain the same. On this day, the sister prays to God for the well-being of her brother and ties a holy thread or rakhi on his wrist for divine protection, and the brother vows to protect her from every adverse situation whatever the circumstances. This mutual love and respect for each other between brothers and sisters reflect the true spirit of India that hails love and spirituality above all.  

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

Apart from the prayers and the rituals, this traditional festival is celebrated in various interesting ways. Sisters cook food for their brothers, while brothers buy gifts for their sisters. Parents of little kids help in the preparations. And grown-ups travel from far-off places to celebrate this day with their siblings. In this article, we have discussed 6 great ideas to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in 2022. These ideas are sure to make the day fun and interesting for the little ones as well as the grown-ups. 

Ideas to celebrate Raksha Bandhan  

1. Make customized rakhi for your sweet brother

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

This one is for the sisters. Make customized rakhi for your naughty and always-fighting brother. You know his likes and dislikes. Try to create a theme based on something that he likes very much. If he likes sweets, you can prepare a rakhi that looks like a rasgulla or a gulaab jamun. Sounds crazy? Then you might try something else. Select a design based on the cartoon character he likes. Attaching a replica of Spiderman, Superman or any character from the Marvel comic series on the holy thread could be a fun idea. Or you can simply write your own name on a piece of cardboard, cut it to shape and prepare a simple rakhi by attaching a thread with it. Trust us, your brother would love this for sure. You can also deliver a message through your rakhi. Make a small folded greeting card with thick colorful paper, and write what your heart says for your brother. Then make a hole on it and put the thread through that hole. And your greeting card rakhi is ready. Isn’t that interesting?

2. Decorate your home

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

Not possible for the little ones, but teenagers and grown-ups can certainly decorate their home and make it ready for the occasion. Parents can help the toddlers do it as well. Bring home some flowers and decorative items, some fairy lights and other wall-hanging artifacts. You can make wind chimes with bits and pieces or metal scraps lying here and there at home. You can also bring home some indoor plants which can freshen up the environment of the entire household. What better way to celebrate something auspicious than bringing home a plant, something that sustains life?  

3. Prepare sweets at home

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

Your local halwai might be great for preparing delicious desserts and sweetmeats, but making a sweet at home for your own brother has a different feeling. Make laddoos and dry sweets like peda so that you can surprise him by gifting them in a box. He can also take them with him if he stays in a hostel for studies or in a different city for a job. Every time he would open the box, it would remind him of you. Besides, home-cooked food is always better on hygienic grounds. Parents can do it themselves if the children are small. Children don’t understand the importance of these sweet little things, but they start missing such small gestures as they grow old. Make this Raksha Bandhan festival a part of his memories forever. 

4. Where is the gift?

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

You guessed it right. This one is for the brothers. Buy your sister a gift that she would like to keep with her forever. Don’t just spend some money and buy her something expensive to raise some eyebrows and get some appreciation. Buy her something that is really special to her. Buy her something that would remind her of you when you are not there. Think about the things she likes. Plan things in advance. Book it online if it needs a pre-order. But your Raksha Bandhan gift should reflect your love for your sister. Price is not important here. Don’t think about what your friends are doing. Your gift should show that you really care for your sister and understand her feelings. That’s the most important thing. 

5. Go to a movie

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

Although nothing new about this idea, post-Covid and after a pause of almost 3 years, it is something you should definitely plan. There are many interesting Bollywood releases this year on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. So, plan a movie outing with your siblings as well as your parents.

6. Plan a short trip

 Ideas To Celebrate Raksha Bandhan | Rakhi gift ideas 2022

It would be a great idea to set out on a family outing on the day of the Raksha Bandhan. Select a location within 50-60 km from home. Book a villa or farmhouse or book rooms in a beautiful resort near to your home. If you are in Delhi NCR, you would find a lot of amazing party venues in the Gurgaon, Aravalli, or Manesar areas. Complete all the festival rituals by early morning, and set out on your journey around 11 am so that you can reach the venue before lunch. Enjoy the rest of your day and evening and return late at night or stay over and return early the next morning. It would be an outing worth remembering. And if you want any assistance regarding venue booking, you can log on to www.sloshout.com. Sloshout is India’s number one online venue-booking website that allows you to choose the best venues in any location based on your specific requirements and book them online without any hassle. The venues listed on the website of Sloshout have verified businesses and each one of them is allotted a rating based on genuine customer reviews.  

5 Expert Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Sanitized, Clean And Germ-Free

Content Source : https://food.ndtv.com/health/5-expert-tips-to-keep-your-kitchen-sanitized-clean-and-germ-free-2288516

Food safety ultimately boils down to the source of food – the kitchen; where food is prepared, processed and packaged. What can we do to make sure that our kitchen adheres to the best standards of hygiene?

Food safety has brought the lens to where food is processed – in the kitchen.

Health is the first and foremost priority this year. The norm is always to ensure proper cleanliness of the surfaces around. Simple practices such as washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing mask are being implemented stringently to avoid health being compromised. The risk of contamination and spreading germs even further is very real. Food safety, in particular, has also come under the lens, as people are attempting to follow the best sanitation practices for what they eat. Food safety ultimately boils down to the source of food – the kitchen; where food is prepared, processed and packaged. What can we do to make sure that our kitchen adheres to the best standards of hygiene?

Here Are 5 Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Sanitized, Clean & Germ-Free:

1. Gas Stove

The gas stove is one area which can become a breeding ground for infections over time. Experts suggest cleaning the stove after every meal with a mix of soap or detergent and water. This simple practice is a good way to maintain cleanliness and hygiene of the kitchen and the food that is being cooked.

2. Kitchen Counters and Slabs

Kitchen counters and slabs is where vegetables, fruits and other ingredients are kept before being washed. It is important that the kitchen slabs should be spick and span in order to prevent contamination of produce with germs at the preparation stage of recipes. The chopping board, too, is one surface which is integral to cooking, and must be cleaned regularly. Use a mixture of salt and lemon water for best results.

jskfnnloSalt and lemon water is recommended for cleaning kitchen slabs. 

3. Vegetables and Fruits

When it comes to food safety, not just the surrounding areas but the food itself should be of the highest quality. To combat the risk of contamination in food, it is advisable to take the necessary precautions by cleaning your vegetables properly before they are consumed. Home remedies may not prove effective in this case, which is why experts highly recommend Marico’s Veggie Clean. This 100% naturally derived fruits & vegetables cleanser helps remove 99.9% germs, pesticides & waxes without the use of chlorine, alcohol and chemicals.

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal explains, “In the current scenario, we often opt for healthier eating habits, use of superfoods and addition of more greens to our diet but take the most fundamental step of cleaning our produce rather lightly. I believe in using a product that is scientifically proven and certified by Indian labs and international bodies. Veggie Clean from Marico is a specialized fruits & vegetables cleanser which is made with 100% naturally derived ingredients and is proven to remove 99.9% germs, pesticides and waxes from the surface.”

Marico’s Veggie Clean is 100% safe to use & is certified by Indian & International experts. It’s also great on the consumer’s pocket giving you 40 washes in just Rs 99. Click here to buy the product.

4. Utensils & Storage

An important facet of food safety is the utensils and containers it is stored in. Lentils and flours often get infested with pests over time which may lead to diseases and infections. Thus, it is absolutely essential to ensure that utensils and containers are washed after every use with a soap or detergent-based solution. Also, they must be completely dry before putting ingredients in them in order to reduce chances of spoilage.

dtsumdjoUtensils must be thoroughly washed after every use. 

5. Equipment

Blenders, mixers, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, grills, toasters and more – whatever equipment is used in the kitchen must be spotlessly clean as a thumb rule. The microwave specially can often become messy and dirty, and must be cleaned often with a cleaning solution. Experts suggest using a vinegar and water based cleaner for the same. Simply heat up the bowl in the microwave for a few minutes and use a sponge to get rid of the stains quickly.

The idea is to keep the kitchen neat and clean at all times. Once kitchen tools and raw materials adhere to the highest sanitation standards, you will be rest assured of a germ-free, healthy kitchen always.

Delectable Food Items You Can Enjoy If It’s Still Raining In Your City

Content Source : https://www.easemytrip.com/blog/food-items-to-enjoy-during-rains

After scorching heat, monsoon brings a breath of fresh air by bringing the aromatic fragrance, cheerful moods, and of course fried food cravings.  During monsoon, the dullest looks become vibrant with shining greenery around and the scent that fills up your senses. To enjoy this season in an unforgettable way, we bring to you the list of food items that one should have during this rainy season.

Aloo Pakora

To perfectly enjoy the rain shower, nothing can be better than the crispy aloo delights. The hotly served pakoras along with the green chutney are the perfect way to have a good time.


 When the sky is dark and windy, the well-cooked bhutta is a must to try. The smoke from the coal with a hint of lemon and red chili on the bright yellow corn is something that will turn your mood up even if you are stuck up in jam during monsoon.

Cutting Chai

When the weather goes wild and the aromas invoke your senses, then the felling of life should be enjoyed with one masala cutting chai. Prepare it yourself or enjoy it at the local chaiwala and your life is sorted.

Dim Sum

Steamed dim sum is the perfect element to enjoy a rainy day with your friends and family. This mouthwatering is best enjoyed along with the red chili paste and some mayonnaise.

Filter Coffee

The traditional mixing of the coffee in the tumbler is a treat to watch and drink on a cloudy evening. The coffee offers a delicious and calming effect on your stressful day.

Ice Cream

If you are crazy and believe in all the madness, then cold in the cold should be your thing.  Choco chip, butterscotch, fruity, or a waffle ice cream is the perfect solution to cheer you up during the monsoon.


Stunning orange circulars with hot sugary crisp is an ultimate choice that one can make for an amazing rainy day breakfast. Do enjoy it with a cold creamy rabri.

Onion Bhajiya

First rainfall and our very own and desi onions fried are ready to make our day special. Onion bhajiya is one of the most popular rain foods and is perfect eaten with a masala chai.

Puri and Bhaji

The perfect combination of fried bread and smashed aloo sabzi is what can make your rainy day enjoyable. The delectable food is very easy to make and hard to resist.

Vada Pav

Go and try your favorite vada pav this monsoon season so as to get the real feel of rains. This special dish from the land of Mumbai is what can give you the best taste in this monsoon season. Have you tried it yet? If not, then go book your flights to Mumbai and experience its delectable taste.


A treasure of a Non-veg platter, Biryani is something you can never go wrong with. Hot biryani and cold raita on a rainy day is a pleasure that is incomparable.


 This popular snack is one thing that strikes us in the first place when the rain s falling. Have it with ketchup or stuff it in a pav, the choice is yours to enjoy this lip-smacking food delicacy.


Even the name brings out a smile on everyone’s faces, be it any person of any age. The steaming hot masala noodle is exactly what everyone needs to have a fun-filled monsoon. Add some veggies or not, make it soupy or not, there is no one even close to competition.